Haggis and Potato Terrine
18 August 2018
Recipe from Jon Devine-Gay
Preparation time: 20 Minutes
Cooking time: 60 Minutes
Serves: 6-8
1 Fruit Pig Haggis
4 Large White Potatoes Peeled
50g Butter
5 Sprigs of Thyme
1 Handful of Parsley
1. Using a steady hand, or a mandolin if you have one, cut the slices of potato evenly, to the thickness of a 20p coin. Place these in a bowl of cold water to remove any excess starch.
2. Remove the skin from the haggis and chop the parsley until nice and fine before mixing the two well.
3. Melt the butter in a small pan with the picked thyme leaves.
4. Line a loaf tin or terrine mould with greaseproof paper and lay one layer of potato at the bottom. Using a pastry brush, brush the potatoes with the melted butter and season with a little salt.
5. Repeat the process until you have placed 4 layers of the potatoes.
6. Divide the haggis into three even pieces, and carefully press the first portion on top of the potatoes, smooth with a wet spoon.
7. Repeat the potato layers as above, alternating 4 layers of potato with one layer of haggis.
8. Once you have laid your last layer of haggis; top with potato once more and cover with greaseproof paper, and a layer of tin foil tightly around the top of the mould or tin.
9. Place in a pre-heated oven at 150c for 1 hour, or until a knife slides through the terrine without any pressure.
10. Remove from the oven and press the top of the terrine, carefully as some juice may escape, and place in the fridge until cold.
11. To serve, slice the chilled terrine into 8 pieces, carefully fry on either side until crisp, or place each slice on a roasting tray and into a preheated oven at 180c for 15 minutes again until crisp and hot through.
12. Serve with your favourite brown sauce and a poached egg.

Fruit Pig Haggis
Hearty, traditional Fruit Pig Haggis - not just for Burns Night!
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